It’s never too early to retain a criminal defense attorney. As soon as you think you may be the subject of law enforcement activity, you should hire an attorney to protect you.
If you are a resident of West Chester and being investigated for a crime, you will want an attorney at your side to make sure you don’t say or do the wrong thing. If you are arrested, you will want a criminal defense attorney in Chester available to represent you as soon as possible.
David Moscow brings big city instincts and experiences to bear when he fights for your rights. He is one of the most aggressive criminal lawyers in Chester County who will investigate the charges against you and defend you to the utmost. Depending on the timing of his involvement, he may be able to get charges dismissed, or obtain a plea arrangement to prevent you from ever setting foot in jail.
If you have been convicted of a crime, you will want an attorney with a keen legal mind and expertise in the appellate process.
Contact David if you are facing any criminal charges, including federal or state courts, no matter how serious:
- Homicide
- Violent Crimes
- Drug Charges
- Firearms/Weapons Charges
- Domestic Violence
- Theft and Other Property Crimes
- White Collar Crimes
- Drunk Driving/DUI
- Other Traffic Offenses
- Juvenile Offenses