Whether you are the victim of an auto accident or the cause of one in West Chester, you will need an experienced attorney to protect your rights.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, or are a pedestrian hit by a car, you will need someone familiar with automobile insurance law to ensure that you recover as much as possible.
IMPORTANT: Beware limited tort versus full tort. Limited tort will make your insurance policy payments lower, but if you are injured in an accident you will only be able to recover what is called “economic damages”, which typically means medical bills and lost income. You may not be able to recover for pain and suffering.
If the person who injured you was not insured or did not have sufficient insurance to cover what you deserve, your own insurance policy may help pay the balance. Your policy may have uninsured or underinsured coverage, and only alive familiar with automotive insurance will be able to protect your rights to recover as much as possible.
If you have caused an auto accident and are sued as a result, your insurance may not be sufficient to protect you. Your insurance company may hire an attorney to defend you, but be careful; they are only interested in protecting their own interests. You may need a personal auto accident lawyer in Chester to protect your personal assets, especially if your insurance company acts in bad faith and does not put your interests before their own.
IMPORTANT: Any personal injury claim is governed by the applicable Statute of Limitations in Pennsylvania or any other jurisdiction where you choose to bring suit. The Statute of Limitations governs how much time you have to file a lawsuit after you knew or should have known you were injured. If you do not bring suit within the prescribed Statute of Limitations, your suit may be forevermore barred. Therefore, you will want to contact an attorney as soon as possible to make sure you don’t lose any rights to recovery.