If you are injured at work, you have two avenues to recover. First, any claims you might have against your employer are covered by workers’ compensation. This means that you cannot directly sue your employer, you must go through the workers’ compensation system. This is a special field of law that requires attorneys who specialize in it. Workers’ compensation is essentially an insurance program that is paid into by all employers in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and almost all employees are covered by the program, including part-time employees.
If workers’ compensation does not cover all of your bills, an experienced Workplace accident attorney in Chester may be able to figure out alternative means of recovery. For example, if you work around heavy equipment you may have a claim against the manufacturer of the equipment (a product liability case). If you are injured by the conduct of someone who is not your employer, you may have a third party claim. Your own personal insurance may cover some or all of your injuries, but the insurance company may not want to pay its obligations in a timely fashion. That is when you will need a workplace injury lawyer in Chester to protect your interests.
IMPORTANT: Any personal injury claim is governed by the applicable Statute of Limitations in Pennsylvania or any other jurisdiction where you choose to bring suit. The Statute of Limitations governs how much time you have to file a lawsuit after you knew or should have known you were injured. If you do not bring suit within the prescribed Statute of Limitations, your suit may be forevermore barred. Therefore, you will want to contact a Workplace accident attorney as soon as possible to make sure you don’t lose any rights to recovery.